Supporting communities in battling the Covid-19 pandemic
Public health and safety are of paramount importance and utmost priority at Wingify Foundation. In the sight of the unfortunate outbreak of coronavirus and WHO declaring it a pandemic, Wingify Foundation constantly monitored all information sources including WHO alerts, and complied with all government advisories, as required. We have invoked the following COVID-19 contingency initiatives in the impacted areas and are providing full support to communities in partnership with government & private health care systems & organizations.
Krish Hope Foundation runs a super specialty (KAINOS) hospital in Dist. Rohtak, Haryana. This city is hardly 80kms from the national capital and many patients from other cities coming to Delhi for Covid treatment, even the Delhiites, took detour to satellite cities like Rohtak and Meerut, due to unavailability of hospital beds.
Understanding the need of the hour, Foundation decided to support a medical facility that is well equipped to cater to underprivileged Covid19 patients, especially from rural areas, who lack money and resources. KAINOS super specialty hospital was approved and given financial support to extend their support to lower strata of the society.
Hemkunth Foundation: is a well-known NGO from Gurgaon and was all over – media, social media, on roads and where not? They were they saviors, the angels, who delivered life saving Oxygen to the covid patients in most part of the NCR, at their doorstep, Free of Cost. Foundation provided them financial support to procure more O2 cylinders, O2 itself and manage logistics to deal with the rapidly increasing demand.
Rajan Babu Institute of Pulmonary Medicine and Tuberculosis: This hospital has its roots connected to Indian history. To commemorate the silver Jubilee of the coronation of King George, the hospital was started in 1935 as Silver Jubilee TB hospital at the ceremonial railway station that was specially built for King George when he was crowned the King & Emperor of India in 1910 over an area of 78 acres as a sanatorium.
This hospital with such great story, was found to be struggling with funds to raise a 100 bed covid care facility. The best part about this hospital was, they had their own Oxygen plant, and they need not to worry about the O2 shortage, which other hospitals were struggling with. Foundation replied to their CSR appeal and supported them with materials like - Mattresses, Wheelchairs, Sanitizer Dispensers, Sanitizer Bottles, RO unit for drinking water, Water Dispensing Unit, Laptops, Printer, and furniture like office desk and bed side tables for the patients.
AIIMS Delhi: Foundation supported the biggest medial facility and medical research center of India, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. AIIMS was setting up its special Covid facility to increase it capacity to deal with the overflowing numbers, but was facing medical oxygen shortage. Foundation donated 12 units of Oxygen concentrator devices to them. The team at Wingify Foundation played a crucial role in expanding the covid beds capacity to 100 in number in Rajan Babu Institute of Pulmonary Medicine an d Tuberculosis (RBIPMT) - Asia's Biggest TB Hospital in NDMC.
Covid Vaccination Drive: after the second wave, Covid Vaccine proved to be the only hope for survival and put a quick check on its impact. However, despite Govt of India launching its vaccination program, the largest in the world, advertising, promoting in all possible ways, the low response of vaccination and slightly difficult availability to the underprivileged was considered as a showstopper.
Due to demography, cultures, beliefs, myths, rumors, lack of knowledge - the vaccination program wasn’t much popular amongst the lower segment, out of which mostly are laborers, working under unfriendly conditions with more exposure to the virus.
Analyzing the situation and its long-term consequences Foundation partnered with NGO-ISDA to promote vaccination among the underprivileged. The NGO partner deployed their staff in the Timarpur constituency, (later expanded to Mangol Puri), and through various methods viz. door-to-door campaigns, community meetings, street plays, etc. people were motivated, provided free pick-up and drop to/for community and vaccination center, and assisted with online registrations. Fruit juice/soft beverages were given to each vaccinated individual to keep them hydrated and as a token of thanks for participating in the noble cause.
During this campaign, from July’21 to Sep’21 a total of 3830 individuals were registered by our volunteers on the Co-Win portal and 3690 were vaccinated.